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Rong Lee's Story
saya orang yg hidup bersama orang2 disekitar saya.. hidup kuat bersama orang yg saya sayangi.. mengenai hidup..menurut saya hidup itu unik..saya sering bertanya.. sebenarnya kita hidup untuk apa? setiap orang mgkn akan menjawab..hidup untuk sukses, menjadi orang yang berguna, hidup untuk menjadi nomor satu.. so..by the way..is that the reason we live? saya pernah punya hobby dimana saya suka menulis perjalanan saya,, dan merangkainya bagaikan sebuah kisah yang selalu abadi.. karena hidup itu indah..dan kita hanya hidup 1 kali.. maka itulah saya ingin membuat blog ini, mungkin sebagian orang berpikir kenapa saya harus memamerkan cerita cerita saya disini, karena menurut saya hidup tidak perlu di tutup tutupi, saya percaya apa yang saya alami di kehidupan saya juga pernah dialami orang lain, apa yang pernah ada dipikiran saya juga pernah dipikirkan oleh semua orang, bedanya sebagian orang tidak pernah sadar apa yang pernah mereka pikirkan dan menganggap itu adalah hal-hal tidak penting, sedangkan aku berbeda.. menurutku segala sesuatu yang kita rasakan , kita lihat, kita dengar, kita pikirkan adalah awal dari kebahagiaan..
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First Memories

Dear Rong Lee..
Tonight is the first time i uploaded so many picture in facebook, i was accidentally entered my old story picture's album and it was a heart warming to review my beautiful moment :) 

Although everything changes, but memories always remain the same in my heart.
All the past stories was replaying in my mind, all the feeling was undescriabeable. It was beautiful. Yes it Is :)
All that i can say now, is thank You, thank you and thank you.

I wish everybody live well,be good, have faith, have dream and found their own way to happiness.

To be able to be born as Rong Lee and have this kind of feeling is the greatest gift and i shouldn't dare even to complain.

The moment where i dare to dream, the moment where i believe i can change the world, the moment where i realize this life is beautiful, the moment where i believe me and everyone that i love will shine brighter than the sun.
That courage i will never forget about it.

that first faith is the one who change me to be what i am now.
Maybe someday i will change, i will struggle, fall and wake up to find my own path, but that beautiful memories will never change.

I wish i grow up to be a strong person in order to success i should not ever forget about my first dream and first reason to live well :)

Sorry if right now i am not strong enough to help and protect my faith, but i won't give up.
Someday, the day will come when we all grow really strong and even the Tsunami , earthquake, and Storm can not take down our Dream and Love. Our story will become the most beautiful history ever written at the blue sky, our smile will brighten up the world . Someday, I believe we can find our happiness.

My first Reason, Thank you to give me courage :)
Please always be inside this heart 

Love Me and Stay Strong 
Rong Lee



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