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Rong Lee's Story
saya orang yg hidup bersama orang2 disekitar saya.. hidup kuat bersama orang yg saya sayangi.. mengenai hidup..menurut saya hidup itu unik..saya sering bertanya.. sebenarnya kita hidup untuk apa? setiap orang mgkn akan menjawab..hidup untuk sukses, menjadi orang yang berguna, hidup untuk menjadi nomor satu.. so..by the way..is that the reason we live? saya pernah punya hobby dimana saya suka menulis perjalanan saya,, dan merangkainya bagaikan sebuah kisah yang selalu abadi.. karena hidup itu indah..dan kita hanya hidup 1 kali.. maka itulah saya ingin membuat blog ini, mungkin sebagian orang berpikir kenapa saya harus memamerkan cerita cerita saya disini, karena menurut saya hidup tidak perlu di tutup tutupi, saya percaya apa yang saya alami di kehidupan saya juga pernah dialami orang lain, apa yang pernah ada dipikiran saya juga pernah dipikirkan oleh semua orang, bedanya sebagian orang tidak pernah sadar apa yang pernah mereka pikirkan dan menganggap itu adalah hal-hal tidak penting, sedangkan aku berbeda.. menurutku segala sesuatu yang kita rasakan , kita lihat, kita dengar, kita pikirkan adalah awal dari kebahagiaan..
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I am not in a same point of view ...

This Morning, i read some note from my friends in face book, he write a lot about Dalai Lama's student Teaching..name Tsem Tulku

the title is " Be Yourselves"

and it starting make my mind think crazily to understand..because the way he thinks and the way i think different to each other..

aa What a SIN day ( hari yang berdosa )
he recognized as a wise person,but after read that.. the word at that note, not suit with mine..
so actually am i okay?


the note said about this..
Being yourself can be very difficult at first because some people lead you to believe you can't be yourself. Solution: DON'T LISTEN TO THEM. You may not be what other people want you to be if you are yourself, but that's their problem, not yours. Be yourself and then others will come to you.

i don't know why i against this statement, like i ever said in my previous blog, " the sentence of " Just Be Yourselves " will be good if only people know how to Change..

because so far i see a lot of people who keep this sentence seems " Uncare,Lonely, Stubborn ,give up,  fall in a same problem, and desperate"

Putting all your energy into being a projection is like a movie. It has to end. So just be yourself and better. When people criticise you for being different, it's because they dare not be themselves. Forgive those that criticize you because you're not the problem. They can't accept themselves and they are suffering.

I wonder Why people do criticize? if people don't do criticize can we make sure we are really doing good and benefit humanity?
Only Buddha who no need Criticize from people.. because he is enlightenment..
but He still need guidance from some teacher also before he successes to become Buddha.

When i see something that is not right, and harmful, i will do criticize to people..
because i can't act like no care, am i really not being myself when i do criticizing?
that is good if i don't need to be bad people, criticize and make people hate me
( yeah i am Suffering )
so i can be lovely person who concern for my relaxing day, and keep smiling with everyone like HEAVEN..
But i think.. People need help..before they know what is right for he/she

"I tried to be like you, but I couldn't because I'm not. I have to be me. If being me offends you, then you have to find yourself first before you can accept me. "~ Tsem Tulku

I usually do change if i found careless,bad habit and offends people around me..because i am not perfect..
I do learn from people..something is not good, i change it..
some thing is good i improve it..
how can i be happy if my existence keep disturbing other people?

"The first time when I was being  told  that I didn't look good, "I was like really?" I realize now, I didn't accept me at that time." ~ Tsem Tulku

Why i don't want to improve if i got a chance?and when i still have people around me care a lot, why i don't listen to them?

reading this note..it brings a lot of question mark in my mind that unsatisfied me..
Live by ignoring each other seem we are afraid and just keep running a way..
for me" being yourselves" means we Love ourselves..and know how to control this body and mind..it not means hiding talk with own selves,and do ignoring..
but we walk forward we look at people and no matter what people said..
we can become ourselves but still need to listen what the world said,
because not all people is bad out there... they just need help and so do we..
if we can become a "Real Me" we are going to know what things is right what things is good,

Being "Real Me" not means..this live is only mine.
and we don't care how to help and give..
Why we got ears? because we need to listen what is good..and know what is bad..
So why we need to pretend not to listen, when we really do have ears?

if i am being like that.. i just feel this life is empty and Boring

aaaa am i got too much sin  now? haha
is my thinking way is wrong? and curse people mind?

from the beginning i feel wrong to write this blog.. you know..it seems like i stab people reputation haha

but suddenly i read something in that note..Tsem Tulku said
"I'm sorry that I don't look, talk, and act like you. But I have no choice but TO BE ME. I didn't start out life trying to be different. I just I am." ~ Tsem Tulku 

yeah after i read this sentenced, that means i got my own story..so i can have my own opinion..
and i can't push everyone to follow me..
they got their own ways to be happy..

so we have no hurt feeling at all.. ( Oh Yeahh )
maybe i got miss understanding in that meaning..

i do love different in a good points..
i love different, i like to create something better and different..

Master Hsing Yun said.. everything that we read, that we hear, that we see, is not always right...
found it yourselves..the true Buddha's Dharma.so we not just always simply follow and believe what people told you about..
you need to listen to your heart...

but still...People need to know "How To take a big Change before they starting said just be yourselves.."
don't pretend that all people love you ( Be Yourselves ) when the truth they don't feel safe in nearing with you..
Open your Eyes and see people are feel not comfortable because of you !
WAKE UP ! and Change to make yourself happier and other people Happy..

Get Your Dream!

Bad to good, good to better..
Accept yourselves to dare to face problem and change stronger..and wiser..
" that is a truly Real Me "

yeah...that is me..
and We are not alone..

( Yeah i being myself )
but i welcome for people who got another opinion..
( Oh Yeah )

Stay True
Rong Lee

Sad Story? i think that is a good story..

20 minutes to write this blog...

I do believe in changing..
that time, my friend he/she is sharing with me..
about their past bad memories..and i feel he/she bring that until today..
Yeah when i chat with him, i can sense he break his confidence a lot..

I found a lot of desperate person lately,
(I talk Like i never feel desperate ) 

some is also in having bad impact from her friends..until sometimes i found some darkness in her eyes and mind.. kinda scary ..

you know what..
when they tell me their story..
i always give a same answer.. i told them...
" I am exactly like you " ( Oh yeahhh )

it really happened to me in my childhood story..
yeah first time some of them didn't believe at me, but until i told them some of my story, they starting believe it haha

sometimes i found myself  i kinda a bit arrogant  in people eyes,act like the most perfect person in the world..
talk like i know everything..but i really can't act stupid..

i think people should do a things , said a word that come out from his real heart and point of view..
that is the real human...
if we talk something opposite with our point of view, that means lying..

when they told everything and i shared everything, at that moment i realize a new power in myself...
i do believe in" Power Of Change "

I don't like a word " I am Me " ( Jadilah diri sendiri )

this word is good when we know how to change..

but i often met people with this statement, he/she fall in a lot of same problem, stubborn, desperate, boring, enemies, and Uncare..

We don;t need to afraid of future anymore, if we already make sure that we know how and dare to change..
There is never Late...if we want to change..

I do believe in that power..
i told my friend, i don't like to bring up my past story to tell people, because i don't have any sad story that i need to regret. ..

because it just bring sympathic, and make us weak..in people eyes

i realize that everyone in this world is having a same problem..
so it is not surprising anymore... if people can handle it, why we can't?

i feel good lately...

See ya..
i got to go to my new Office and Studio...

and following my schedule..

Good Day..

Stay Strong..
Rong Lee

Little Dream come true starting bring hope

yeah i got free 30 minutes to write some blog..
this recently i found quite interesting to write blog..
and quite boring  to play facebook..
yeah.. playing facebook, sometimes we can learn a lot of things about people mind and their life style..

From Shout out..i often read a lot of people get a same problem, some is talking others people 
" aaaa don't be such a shit !"                  " you suck! "           " he /she is cheating on Me" 
some is complaining " aaa i hate this life",     " Why Me?? "           " This life is suck",            
                                           " aaa i had been betrayed",

Some is fall in Love " I Love you forever Honey muachh muach.."

Some is joking.." Hahahahaha "

Some is desperate " I Love You and you don't Love Me "

Some is writing good word and inspiring " Life without trust is useless " , " Live your Life "

from that we can see..all people around the world having the same problem honestly, all the complain, all the motivation, all the problem , it always happens repeatably to everyone,
                    the problem they said is actually common exist in this life..
The real problem is they just keep comparing and complaining..

sometimes i keep saying " aaaa i know that "( sudah biasa )
and wish to say " WAKE UP " ( that's a real life ) when reading every complain and desperate from facebook

writing blog it seems that i enter my own world..and life..
from here i can learn to describe every problem and walk trough it..

today morning i had been interview by some student about college assignment..
directly go home and having lunch for a while.. " eating Crab "
and then going to new office, and see anything to fix or not.. and it seems i can't help much..

aaa..it is nice to see small wish come true,

i know sometimes people always dream too high..
to have perfect office and studio...( that is me )
but only a fool who dare to complain ..( i am not )

Renting new Office and Studio, and looking it slowly maintained , it really feels real good..
i wonder what should we name this office and studio?

i got one i like " Dream Studio "
a Studio that always bring us to remember our Dream..and dare to walk forward,  never feels regret..
" Light Studio "
a Studio always bring hope and know to find a way..to stand up..
i wish everybody like it or maybe can give a better name..

i just feel that, everything slowly will come true from now on..
now i need to think to build a good business ..
slowly but sure.. ( Oh Yeahhh )

i believe it does possible, just to decide now..

aa nice day..
today i had been going to gym, to relax some muscle..
Good Health will bring good Life to get Dream ...

and tonight i need t go to Temple to have some meeting..

Good day Rong!

Stay Strong ..
Rong Lee

Don't let money stop you..

hey i am busy ..
this month suddenly got a plenty of job to do,
that is nice..better than doing nothing haha
i am not complaining..yes i don't..

the feeling of challenging, it really feels good.. it a new things to do for me to monitoring the renovation of new house..
everything will be easy if people got money...buy everything as we want.. but it's difficult if we want something better without not enough cost,
we will see our idea disappear one by one..but can't let that washed out all your dream..
Yesterday i was hanging out a whole day at Sun Plaza, sitting and reading, discussing, and found a great idea..
just the problem " Dare to take Risk? "

Dream too high can easily broke all your Dream, that's why i think a real dream is having what we have and make it come true by your own, and that is the real we called " Get your Dream"

it challenging me.to think deeply,and find a way to make it perfect..

okay then, let's do it..
I need to do meeting now..

Stay Strong..
Rong Lee


haha today i just see people do singing..on youtube..
there are so many bunch of people who do singing very good..
in a moment something pump out from my mind..
when seeing people singing beautifully, in that moment i just like to be the best singer and actress in the world,
when i seeing people doing music, i just like to be the best musician and composer to create the best music in the world..
When being in one organization and i found people have such a very good idea and effort, i just feel like to be the best members in the world,
When seeing people doing great in leadership, i just like to be the best leadership in the world..

When i see people can build the best company in the world, they create money wisely, they controlling goodly, their got very strong idea, the way they solve problem and temptation,
at that moment i just feel i dream to be the best inspiring success Manager in the world..

When i see Michael Jackson and another successor who love his life, and save the world by helping each other, it makes me dream to have the meaningful life in the world..

When teacher inspire student a lot, at that time i just like to become the best teacher in the world,
When i do see people speaking attractively and inspiring, at that moment i just dream to be the best speaker in the world,

When i met a very good human being,wise at that moment i wish i can become a very good human being and understanding everything in this world..

When i see such a beautiful creation in movie, art, design, style, i just dream to be the most creative actress, Producer,Programmer, designer in the world..

When I am making coffee , and love to create coffee art, at that time i even dream to be the best barista and create the best coffee and Cafe in the world..

haha today i just found myself like this, like that, sometimes i think i got too much dream in my life,

i have no idea is that good or bad for me.. and i have no idea am i just a kind of dreamer in this world...

yeah i can't give any prove yet, because i am in a journey to make it come true,and see it come true..
Like people said.. Tomorrow is Mystery.

but surely i just feel great, just sometimes i caught myself can't make sure is this dream just a dream or really my real dream which drawn inside my heart and mind since i was born..
yeah.. sometimes i caught my self i doubt for it..but in a minute i realize that i love it..
and i truly like my life..
it's me..

That Dream..
Which Dream?
All The Dream..
that is mine..

Which will come true?

Will all of that dream come true?

Stay Strong and Have a Dream..
Tambah Gambar

Love Me
Rong Lee


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