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Rong Lee's Story
saya orang yg hidup bersama orang2 disekitar saya.. hidup kuat bersama orang yg saya sayangi.. mengenai hidup..menurut saya hidup itu unik..saya sering bertanya.. sebenarnya kita hidup untuk apa? setiap orang mgkn akan menjawab..hidup untuk sukses, menjadi orang yang berguna, hidup untuk menjadi nomor satu.. so..by the way..is that the reason we live? saya pernah punya hobby dimana saya suka menulis perjalanan saya,, dan merangkainya bagaikan sebuah kisah yang selalu abadi.. karena hidup itu indah..dan kita hanya hidup 1 kali.. maka itulah saya ingin membuat blog ini, mungkin sebagian orang berpikir kenapa saya harus memamerkan cerita cerita saya disini, karena menurut saya hidup tidak perlu di tutup tutupi, saya percaya apa yang saya alami di kehidupan saya juga pernah dialami orang lain, apa yang pernah ada dipikiran saya juga pernah dipikirkan oleh semua orang, bedanya sebagian orang tidak pernah sadar apa yang pernah mereka pikirkan dan menganggap itu adalah hal-hal tidak penting, sedangkan aku berbeda.. menurutku segala sesuatu yang kita rasakan , kita lihat, kita dengar, kita pikirkan adalah awal dari kebahagiaan..
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Hey Brother Lee..

"Impermanent" is my topic for today..

this recently after i becoming Advisor..
it's kind of need a new adaptation with my situation..

i am already get used to my daily life..

Alarm 08.00 a.m  - snooze 15 minutes - wake up - bath - tooth brush - downstairs
( work place ) - Breakfast

when i sit on my chair..usually the first things in my mind is to check up day schedule..and usually, i found out full activity of YAD, like   
           Contact person           Studio          Meeting          Report   

but this time i found nothing ..

when i do nothing, there always something  pump out from my mind about YAD things, that need to concern and worry..
but suddenly stop by this word " Hey! this time that is not you to make a decision " and then i stop for a while..haha

Usually i am update what is committee daily activity in studio..i ever by reflex almost send a message to ask Jessica, and this word came out from my mind " Hey..What makes you so busy? "
and i delete it..

I had planned for a long time to focus to learn new things.. right now..
slowly increasing my work place,  Improving business road, complete my University, Experiment outside World..

and i realized during my breakfast, lunch, dinner, sitting, sleeping, sport time, bathing..
there are always BLIA YAD coming in my mind..

in some time i ever think..i need to learn to let go some of this worry... yes i do..

i need to do adaptation to out from this comfort zone..
to be stronger and change the world..

actually...i am still haven't get used..during the meeting, and discussing BLIA YAD 's Stuff..
sometimes i spontaneous like to make a decision without realizing there is President who have a right to decide haha
so sorry..it just already becoming habit..haha
when people called " President ( Thuan Zang ) "

I'm still reply.." What's up? " haha
sometimes i look at people who call it..and realize that is not for me anymore .. and I'm smile and smile haha
and i miss it sometimes honestly haha...

looking at committee discussing job, because afraid of habit to rush in and making decision..

so i prevent it with doing another things..except if being asked to join the discussion..
yeah its time for all of us to grow up..New President, vice president, Committee and myself..
all of us  have to find new things to learn..

i am still remember at the first day at home as Advisor..
i feel blank to this adaptation..
I was playing PlayStation 2, Tidy up my clothes, my shoes, my room, and my Look haha..
that time i realize i am really blank..and this is my first step to change life again now..
haha you know..because i always said to my friends.. 
" When we feel blank suddenly in our Life..that means we need to find something to change "

What a Life.. yeah.. it's time for me to learn to let go .. fly higher as bird..and back again with a lot of beautiful story to share..
Be right Back BLIA YAD Indonesia...
You are always Part Of My Life...

finish about my story..

let me share something to you Brother...
last night i visit one of my friends ..
His father die because of disease...and his mother got an accident until can't move her body, tree smash on the car, haizz..
i feel really sorry for his situation..
last night i don't know how to comfort him..because i can feel the pain..

sure people will ask..how can father and Mother got a problem in the same times..in one people live?
sure my Friend will thinks, "How can this things Happen in his life?"
i believe right now he really don't know what to do...
but i believe he will stand up soon...

this life is really do impermanent right?
in one second we can lose everything..

this case just teach me how to appreciate more about Life..
sometimes when we do complain with everything we have..but we don't realize in one second we can lose everything and have something even worse..

Be sure my friend...
be sure to realize that right now..no matter what we have .. no matter what we are..
that is our beautiful story...until we close our eyes forever with smile on our face..without any regret..
no matter what happen..never say "Give Up" don't ever say "Give Up"
There always have a chance for us to have a new better Life..

Close ourselves to a good path..believe in good..so we never afraid  to face anything in this life..

We don't know..when we can hang out with our friends..
shopping for a Chinese New Year..
Spending money...complain about our life...
there are a lot of people out there..is facing a very hard time..

this times reminds me again with "Man In The Mirror" song

All of us is special..the different is..some don't want to learn..some want to learn...

May Buddha's Light spread around the world..

Stay Strong
Rong Lee


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