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Rong Lee's Story
saya orang yg hidup bersama orang2 disekitar saya.. hidup kuat bersama orang yg saya sayangi.. mengenai hidup..menurut saya hidup itu unik..saya sering bertanya.. sebenarnya kita hidup untuk apa? setiap orang mgkn akan menjawab..hidup untuk sukses, menjadi orang yang berguna, hidup untuk menjadi nomor satu.. so..by the way..is that the reason we live? saya pernah punya hobby dimana saya suka menulis perjalanan saya,, dan merangkainya bagaikan sebuah kisah yang selalu abadi.. karena hidup itu indah..dan kita hanya hidup 1 kali.. maka itulah saya ingin membuat blog ini, mungkin sebagian orang berpikir kenapa saya harus memamerkan cerita cerita saya disini, karena menurut saya hidup tidak perlu di tutup tutupi, saya percaya apa yang saya alami di kehidupan saya juga pernah dialami orang lain, apa yang pernah ada dipikiran saya juga pernah dipikirkan oleh semua orang, bedanya sebagian orang tidak pernah sadar apa yang pernah mereka pikirkan dan menganggap itu adalah hal-hal tidak penting, sedangkan aku berbeda.. menurutku segala sesuatu yang kita rasakan , kita lihat, kita dengar, kita pikirkan adalah awal dari kebahagiaan..
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Opening BLIA YAD 's One Heart One Dream Studio

I got a new story today...
Last night i can't sleep thinking about opening of studio this morning..
i woke up with head ache.. but keep excited..
going to studio and found the door can't open

AAA...bad timing..
but luckily it fixed..

this morning Venerable Light ask me to do speaking to everybody before doing opening for the Studio board     
                                        " One Heart One Dream Studio "

aa.. i even didn't prepare what to say..i just simply tell everybody about what i wrote in the blog yesterday..

and now..
TA Daaaa

yeah this studio is officially Opened!

haha i don't know what to tell.. right now..
i just feel.. let's do it.. (Lanjutkan)

now let see how can we use this Studio and maintain it even better..

                                                             Buddha, everybody..

                                                                    Be with me...

                                        Thank you for everything..and Wish for Dream Come True..

Love Me..
Rong Lee

The Feeling that i like the most

this recently i got a lot of feeling and story to share..
but i had been busy for a whole day..
i guess.. i miss it to write the feeling in this blog..

writing it right now..seems not fresh enough because it passed already..

it's okay..
today i am Happy .. brother..haha

i just changed my face book shout Out to
" Asia street ,  100 % " 

yeah..The Office and studio already done..
tomorrow is the day for opening..haha

you know.. last 2 days.. when i watched the Board Name of the Studio

         One Heart One Dream Studio..

this feeling feel so Grateful.... Proud....Beautiful..

yeah... if this tears can come out..maybe it will..
but its not..haha
in my heart said " aa.. i should have been cry in this moment "
but the worker will think me crazy hahaha

yeah tomorrow is the day..
the new story will begin for BLIA YAD Indonesia..

you know..this is the last year for me to becoming President in BLIA YAD..
at least all my vision starting accomplished..( oh yeahhh )
this place..
this story i wish will always  remain in everyone's heart..
every people that i loved including myself..
I wish everybody who ever come in and pass the moment inside..

will remember that They ever passed a beautiful story in this life..no matter what happen..
they already own happiness right now..
a right path..and Reason to life happily..

yeah talking about people change..
yeah.. i know people have their own way to Happiness...
we can't push , but only can support...
at least i wished for them who had seen this Studio finally come to us..
I wish everybody always remember to 
Appreciate Life, Stay true,Stay Happy, Life good, and Stay strong..

i am tired today.. but excited  haha

today i installed a new Loudspeaker and Sound system inside the Studio..
i played the music..
and i can see a Real Studio picture in my mind..( oh yeahh )

This place will be nice..

yaa i really wish to turn high full the Volume and let the music pump out...
to let everybody know..

Hey !! Our Little Dream Comes True..

For Everybody.. who really hand in hand together...
i like to say..Finally it come! haha

I wish this Studio.. will always remind us..
    this is the beautiful things that ever exist in our life....

from bottom of my heart..
i feel Successed as a person..
i really do..

yeah.. i don't have house,
i don't have car, i don't have a lot of money..

but in this situation..
in this moment..
right now..

I feel i am the succession person ..

aa..do you know what is the feeling that i like the most...
That is not.. feeling of Falling in Love..
That is not.. being praised...
That is not.. Being Recognized..
That is not being President..
That is not..get Money...
That is not doing traveling..

The feeling i like the most is.. " Proud "

it kind of  feel you are so satisfied.. like you have no regret..
you feel " aaa beautiful "
When like something telling inside you..
" you are Great " " really really Great" " you have no reason to afraid now" " Go Go.. you had written a good story "
" you even don't afraid when Die is come to you.." " nothing can ruin your life or take anything from you " you just Feel " I am Here! "..
 you feel like this earth , sky..sun..everything that invisible or visible is smiling at you.."

aa Life is Beautiful..

tomorrow is open house for the studio...
but we don't make a Great and big party..
just a simple with committee and friend..

yeah we didn't pump out to outer world..that " WE DID IT " we didn't want to show it.. to all people..

but we just want to tell ourselves..and remain ourselves..
" Hello Friend..we did it.. " " Our Dream come true "
smoothly but STRONG

aa.. i almost cry..haha

Damn Brother, disturbing me to write this blog...

okay then..
i will tell you the next story tomorrow..

Love Me ...
Rong Lee


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