The fact this story happened on Sunday , 28 March,2010
today people can said i am crazy and mad..
I don't how to describe what i feel..
but my heart feel weird!
i don't know is this cool..
or something i need to concern..
from below here..the story that i write will be something that i realize after i passed the day..before that i never realize if i got this kind of feeling..
From morning since i woke up..
i just doing things like usually, cooking noodle for breakfast..
bathing and preparing for Sunday class..
suddenly My friend Suryanto, called me said..
"Hoi.. we need to come on 8.30 a.m at temple.."
I replied " What? When you guys said to me that i need to come 8.30, "
Suryanto : " we usually like this "
Me : ( i never being told like that...aa he is joking ) okay okay..
suddenly i am on the way to temple by walking, and Nova Called " President, where are you? it's already at 09.00"
( I looked at my time, it its 08.35)
i replied "is that today our Fa Qi ( chanting ) group need to gather early?
Nova : " erhmm.. ( She is confuse ), no.. erm ( she think i was mad with him )
Me : okay.. i reached already ..( aaa Suryanto is joking around )
in the middle destination, suddenly one Old Man Called to me " Hey lu ane tua han liao a..ane kuan khi lu..
ho liao a lu..( have grow so big and tall, so great )
i just smiling.."haha Yes"
Old Man : " You stay at back there right?"
Me : Yes Sir..
Old Man : wow so good..
and i just pass him..
i wonder who is this Old man..??
i even never know him...
aa..maybe i look like someone..haha
after i reached temple, i just realized that my time is being slow..
and i asked my other friends Juliana kim, what time is now?
Juliana :" 08.55" but when asking Suryanto , he said "you ontime at 08.45."
Jessi said " Oh is 08.50 already"
aa why all time is different..
yeah i being late at the last..
when doing Wei Nuo ( Singer )
i feel Calm... so comfortable..
I still realized the third lamp from altar was not light on..( maybe got some problem with the lamp)
when i start to sing.. it seems i only hear my own voice.. so clear..( wow the loudspeaker turn high volume today ) and so good.
every breath.. every low tune i realize it..
i sang it very slow, like i enjoy it a lot..
yeah not too many people coming today, because of Mourning day ( Cheng Beng ), it's kind of the day for respecting parents who passed away..
We listened about speaker "Miss Yulia Halim " talk about " Mother's Love " and some part of "Reincarnation from people who connected with us"
when she ask about what things that your mother ever do to you and make you felt touch?
i am not ever think about the answer, but when i suddenly had been asked, i don't know why i answered it correctly as my pass regret feeling..
my Friend asking me " from where you search that story?"
( I really don't know.. it is just reflex from my mind..)
after Miss Yulia do speaking, i am starting to give information..
and when i doing this.. i really speak like..this time is mine..
i talked until i forgot we still have some game to go..
and i talk out of my time for too long...
My Friend Riki said to me: are you doing Speaker?
i just laugh haha but it seems feel satisfied feeling..
this morning i just feel like doing anything..
it just like my DAY..
after Sunday class ending, we all feel so comfortable, got a lot of time, no extracurricular..
and going to Sun Plaza, having lunch..
because too thirsty, i go to buy some coffee in one stand..
and i found how come they sell one coffee blended for 20.000IDR in that tiny stand and not famous one?
but i like to try it..whether see what is special for the coffee..
i am starting asking the Keeper " Wow drink right here is expensive right? "
Keeper : ( just smiling )
Me : What make it special? what kind of coffee did you use?
but the keeper can't answer anything ...( Aaa are you in pain )
I see she just got one simple machines, and i can't find any brand of the coffee..
( aaa... what a waste i really do have nothing special, and i am going to spend my 20.000 IDR for it)
even the keeper don't know anything about her own coffee...( Wrong place to visit, i think)
after having lunch we start going to Cemara Asri,

we are going to what they called " Bundaran " to have some snack,
right there i feel like the moment of dreaming..
when visiting the food stand, looking know it kinds of feeling where there are someone who talking with you said inside you " What place is this "
and it feels like you are not in real world..
i am starting look around, people, like i enjoy it a lot..
this place is like Festival.. Cheap and Many things to taste..( yeah the truth is i ever came to this place for 10 times i think, but today i just feel this place is new..)
after that we were sitting and enjoying our food.. looking at view of dirty lake, we can see flamingo flying, swimming..
We are keep asking " how come there are so many flamingo here?
Why it didn't fly to anywhere.. just stay here..?"
after having enough, we starting go to my friend's house,
his name is Tanaka,
we plan to go there just for playing with his dog, golden retriever..
it name is " Marker "
we met his father, his father walking slowly at our places, and suddenly join us without saying anything, he just come and playing the show with marker, like, " Sitting ", "Shake Hand " and we all looked at him..
he didn't ask anything like " Where are you guys have been? or maybe " hey", but he just smiling..
like moving something, Planting, watering, look at us..walk again...( kinda Cool huh? haha)
i realized we even don't have chance to say respect " Hello Sir "
we don't know after playing outside, we starting enter his house..
and Tanaka asked me " wanna take a bath ? "
Me : Yeap..
this weird moment starting begin..
when i enter his house, i feel weird ( not Ghost ... Dude!)
the moment i walk, and enter his guest room, i just feel i know i am walking there, looking around..putting my something dream..this feeling appears again like as in " Bundaran "
when i starting take off all my cloth and open the shower..
this mind starting to think " what am i doing here.. having bath in friend house, without planning and not in the time?"" Hah just not like myself"
yeah i keep taking bath..
until finish i am still looking around..hmm this room size, shape of shower, the sachet of BIORE man on the floor which opened half..
" i asking myself why they need to put the sachet on the floor, nearing with the place where we take can make water flow inside the sachet.."
after finish yeah i came out..and hanging around with my friends..
they are playing card, and laptop...
Card with something they called " Flash, Boom , Pair"
they taught me.. but i still do not know how to memorize the rule..
i found it boring..and i starting doing anything..
see picture in the room, and found some famous book , with title " Born Again " i ever see this book but never read it..
yeah i lay down on his expensive cough and i found myself tired and comfort to sleep..
but i read the book..
and i found this weird feeling in my heart..
it said..
" Hey i ever feel like this, sometimes ", "something the story in this book it ever happened and become a question since i was small until today, but i never focus on it"
the book said about being reincarnation, they found that some who are died and reincarnation become new person but still have a same behavior , talent and point of view..
since they born sometimes they found this person got the talent to do debate, speaker, and talk like a politic.
and they found that this person have same characteristic and this person feel he/she got someone called past moment when he /she meet or being in some place like we usually called it Fate from the past..
some of them found himself as a reincarnation from the king in one country, where he reincarnation with a behavior never want to bow or low down his head..
he have feeling with some object like he is so like, and kind of have a link to his past..
the book told a lot story,
after read this book my self automatically asked " Who am I at the Past?"
this question honestly just wasting time, but my heart why can be moved?
When i read this book i got weird feeling like "I often got this feeling "
a weird question i linked to my past when i childhood, hmm..
but i can't write down here, it is too long..
at that moment, i see Tanaka's father is also walking around, seeing us playing..
and i just keep laying down with the book.
in my tough we even didn't look at his father..
everybody just enjoying their talking, playing, and i am reading...( We are damn Phai Kia ( bad attitude ))
his father turn on the light..for us..without talking..( silent but care haha )
and walk again..
" aa i am sleeping.."
"hey lets get out and find some dinner"
but the others keep joking around, and the men enjoying their card..( aa no chance to stop them )
i was starting going to sleep for a while
i don't know i was slept or not, in a half sleep sometimes i opened my eyes for a while and i can see upstairs, his opening room door, and i bet they can see i am sleeping at the cough from upstairs..
until one time i begin to wake up, and starting disturb the man playing card
" Hoi Lets stop "
everybody seems already want to stop, but
one of my friend Vincent he keeps being stubborn to keep playing as long as they can..
and everybody seems got affected also..( aa this boy always don't know when to stop playing )
until around 20.00
we finally choose to have dinner...
all is full because sunday night..
and finally we found at the deeper shop...
look cheap and fast..
to be honest..
this place really SUCKKKK!!!
i ordered Fried Rice Special...( hmm it seems not expensive one )
because at the picture seems nothing special,
but when came out..
you know what is the price ??
it is damn 25000 IDR
" WhatT???!!! "
is this place kopitiam or Restaurant?
wew,i take down my emotion, but honestly i angry inside, i talked loudly, when i see the Boss near with my table
" Waa this can kill People slowly...
one plate of Simple Fried Rice is Rp 25000...
is this restaurant? and we can't read any price inside the menu...
it really trying to kill customer"
We talked about Koki Sunda " we ate right there only 40.000 IDR for such a great amount of food.."
so mad..and i wish the boss know what people feel..
and to perfect my bad luck is, i also ordered "Fried shrimp" , and it haven't served after i finishing that Damn Special Fried Rice..
until everybody finish their food, the lady come out..
" Brother..sorry, we need to wait for a while for the almost done "
i really do want to be mad " but this feeling said.. aaa just accept it.."
when it comes out, no chilly, sauce, how can i eat this shrimp?
aa this place is suck..
until another lady asking for money :" Brother, the money" ( what kind of attitude is that ? like bandit )
"Can i have the sauce first please? how i can eat this without any sauce?"
Lady : "we don't have any sauce for this shrimp, "( is this stand of food, never served Fried Shrimp before ?, ketchup sauce without shrimp is like a food without water ,aa wrong place..)
"How much is the price?"
The Lady : " 25000 IDR"
wew, i spend 50.000 for such a food..that don't have any quality..
Really bad day i think..
My friends all is laughing...
and i told them..
"just assume i am doing donation tonight, past life maybe i ever owe them.."
( i damn so Patient this night)
Suddenly i think rather than i eat this stuff, with such emotional, it's better i packed it and plan to give it to someone who got no food on the i don't need to think i had been robbed in that restaurant tonight..
we are going home...walking to the car, and suddenly 3 cats is coming ( mother and 2 kittens)
One of my friends said " Wow How Cute "
and some other friend said " don't too close.. it will follow you later"
so we enter the car, and on the way to home, but who knows we heard cat voice" Miao Miao"
until middle of road we going down to check, and we found 2 kitten is hiding below the car..
Me and my friend that 2 kittens
one kitten can't open it's eyes..
i don't know why i kinda have this kind of feeling..
feeling so close..happy, and sad..
i hug it suddenly without care of it dirty body ..( hey i am wearing new Cloth )
i washed it's eyes...
but it still can't open..
i do anything without thinking..just not like myself before..
i talked like i know it well.." hey..why you can't open your eyes"
i keep washing it's eyes, until we bring it inside car, wish to bring it somewhere safe..
ya.. i got bite and scar lot in my hand..but i keep hold it,
until i gave them my expensive Shrimp ..
" Aa.. it seems you had faith with me huh? you got my Shrimp then"
"oh got lucky for this food than some beggar on the road..that i wish to give "
along the road, i feel like i am talking alone..with this blind cat..
until reached my home, and put him infront my neighbor home, and put all the shrimp with them..
you know what, a whole night after this things happened, i am quiet enough...
this heart i don't know why it seems like feel so thankful, a feeling of care..and sad..
i am starting sit infront my notebook, and remind myself about what happened today..
and it seems inside me said, today is a weird day, it like got something to tell me..
something that i called " reincarnation and the fate from the past life "
( yeah..people can laugh at me now)
the kittens... i got some mysterious feeling, i don't know why this feeling said i know them, something got connected with myself...i feel like, in the past i ever owe them something, something i care
aa the one who listen to this story will thing i am crazy,
i am also said, am i too tired, and get obsession with the book i read in Tanaka's House..?
but in a whole life, this things is never happened..
i am the person who always listen to my heart..and believe what my heart said..
this "Great heart" always show me something real..
he told me anything if something is going wrong, something is going right ..
and now it told me that " I know this Kitten, especially " blinded one."
aa i told this story directly to my friend..
but i just found myself is weird..
some Mysterious part of my story..
people can believe or not to believe it..
today i just feel everything after i met the Kittens..
( how can the blind one can climb inside the car machines? )
i feel today i talked, act, behave like in a Dream..
this body like waiting for something, thinking like this time is stopping for me..
a weird day..
wow.. i finished this blog for 3 days..
because it is too long...
and i need to continue it half by half..
For what happened tonight..
" it was a great experience i got, it said to me..that we live here, we born here,
"we all is not alone "
We exist because we have something to do..something that you can't see..
can i believe this?
my heart say yes..Stay cool..
Rong Lee
trust on ur own feeling
it might be true ..
and i think reincarnation does exist ..
Wahaa.. So long but quite interested to continue reading..
Cannot comment anything bcoz it's so unique happening, especially the blind cat. Wahaha...
bUT, I myself believe that what we see, what we feel, and what we receive, also happenings that we never predicted before, have a connection between each other.
Mystic, reincarnation, fate, and mate can sometimes fill our life unpredictably.. Just face it with what u have said, "patience". ^^
David W
you guys don't think iam crazy? hahaha
crazy but in positive meaning.. Wahahaha...
David W
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