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Rong Lee's Story
saya orang yg hidup bersama orang2 disekitar saya.. hidup kuat bersama orang yg saya sayangi.. mengenai hidup..menurut saya hidup itu unik..saya sering bertanya.. sebenarnya kita hidup untuk apa? setiap orang mgkn akan menjawab..hidup untuk sukses, menjadi orang yang berguna, hidup untuk menjadi nomor satu.. so..by the way..is that the reason we live? saya pernah punya hobby dimana saya suka menulis perjalanan saya,, dan merangkainya bagaikan sebuah kisah yang selalu abadi.. karena hidup itu indah..dan kita hanya hidup 1 kali.. maka itulah saya ingin membuat blog ini, mungkin sebagian orang berpikir kenapa saya harus memamerkan cerita cerita saya disini, karena menurut saya hidup tidak perlu di tutup tutupi, saya percaya apa yang saya alami di kehidupan saya juga pernah dialami orang lain, apa yang pernah ada dipikiran saya juga pernah dipikirkan oleh semua orang, bedanya sebagian orang tidak pernah sadar apa yang pernah mereka pikirkan dan menganggap itu adalah hal-hal tidak penting, sedangkan aku berbeda.. menurutku segala sesuatu yang kita rasakan , kita lihat, kita dengar, kita pikirkan adalah awal dari kebahagiaan..
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The Moment where i am the weakest and being the Loser

Hello Brother.. :)

it such a very very long time...i didn't share everything i feel with you..
there are a lot of things happen in my Day..
but that is not as simple as i share with you before,

for this long time  i plan not to visit you and write my story, actually i do it on purpose.

maybe you are asking me why.. yeah that because
for this whole time what i did is
fighting with my own self , i messed up, i stand, i fall, i try ,i reject, i accept, i change, i slap my face, i arguing, i choose, I'm hiding, i keep teaching myself to let go and what i love for my dream,
I am so mad with myself, i wish to fly high but i haven't even jump for it,
i dump all my previous success,
 i challenge myself to be a new person and looking for a better life, i did all of this since i realize that i can't remain the same and i have nothing but only faith and Dream.
i did this because i realize i haven't try hard enough for my Dream :)

I called myself the most foolish person in the world...
this recently i did something that i know what I'm not supposed to do,
i break my own rule,
i show unperfectly of my side,
maybe who knows i disappoint people around me and i even didn't care :)

right now i am being the most weakest person who even can't keep his own words, promises :)

I am asking my self actually why i did this?
this is what i called i am navigating, i keep fight the good side of me to show people and change my mind that i am not perfect,so that i can always remind myself that there still a lot things for me to learn and to achieve

There are a lot of lack in myself that i realize this recently and make me feel like i love for being quiet, i need a feeling of down to strike back, i need a lot desperate to find my way.
so i unintentionally did all the foolish things, i messed up, to find my hope :)

haha i even feel funny for myself when i said i messed up to find my hope :)
yeah it's a kind of feeling where you know there will be problem, or mistake but you don't have any spirit and will to change it.. this is me now..
this is the first time i becoming like this..
i  keep wondering and i think the reason is maybe my inner self searching for what i love to do now..
struggle to learn a new things, and already in a top of the mountain which like to explore a new mountain

i don't know if right turning bad or better, but what i know, at least I'm still know what is bad and what is good, there will be okay :)

but when you ask me about regret for doing and acting like this, my answer is " NO "

the reason is because i don't want to show people that i am perfect, but infact myself is lacking a lot of thing
i don't want to become this kind of person, maybe i just realize that sometimes i like to show people that i am perfect.

being praise, being respect, thats all what i always want..
yeah that is what i always want, maybe not only me, but all the human being wish to be accepted in this life.

But this recently i know that the most important things is  about how can we respect our own selves.
Name, Praise, Status it makes you weaker if you keep holding it..

But right now, i am Happy because i have a bigger courage to achieve my dream, :) and now i know what i like to do :)
I know you are curious about what is my Dream right ?:)

right now..
i even don't afraid for being weak, and big Loser.
 I really want to be new person who have capability to learn new things, and look things for another side.

Right now Rong Lee that you know for this long time, is not remain the same anymore,
 Rong Lee that you know is the one who always share happiness with his friends, tell a lot of motivation story,
Rong Lee that you know before always tell you to stand up, don't give up, and be true...

But right now Rong Lee that you know is the one who will remain silent and talk less.
Rong lee that aim for something bigger than only share , and help.

Rong lee who dare to let go. and wish to fly higher and have no regrets.

but there are one things that i didn't change , that is " Good heart "

I really took a lot of time to do navigating, and i like to know what i will found ..
Born To be Free..
I know if i didn't do it now..then i will never make it happen ..

This is the time where i am going to prove that i am strong as i said before :)

Always Stay strong
Rong Lee


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